miércoles, 18 de enero de 2017

Vincent Van Gogh
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martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

1-American literature and history early america 

-Native Americans were a very populous group of people, Native Americans lived in peace and prosper until around the 15th century when Europeans first arrived 
-European explorers came to the America in the 1500s. Before that time, the continent was an unknown place to them

Resultado de imagen para american history
-Teaching about Native American religion is a challenging task to tackle with students at any level, if only because the Indian systems of belief and ritual were as legion as the tribes inhabiting North America.
-The transatlantic slave trade was the biggest deportation in history and a determining factor in the world economy of the 18th century. Millions of Africans were torn from their homes, deported to the American continent and sold as slaves.

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7- Liberty Three by Thomas Paine, Task 2-Declaration of Independence 

The Declaration of Independence is important because it inspired many revolutionary efforts to the world and contributed to Americans understanding of their values as a new nation, also is important for the ways it contributed to Americans understanding of their rights as citizens.This said that all men are created equal and they need to follow the rights that governments should never violate. These rights include the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
Resultado de imagen para liberty three by thomas paineResultado de imagen para declaration of independence

6- Liberty three by Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine begins by distinguishing between government and society, the society, according to thomas is everything constructive and good that people join together to accomplish. thomas paine says that the colonies have little to gain from remaining attached to Britain. Commerce can be better conducted with the rest of Europe, but only after America becomes independent. Also thomas paine says it is imperative and urgent that the colonies declare independence.

Resultado de imagen para declaration of independence

Resultado de imagen para declaration of independence
10- Song of the open road by Walt Whitman 

Here is the test of wisdom, 
Wisdom is not finally tested in schools, 
Wisdom cannot be pass’d from one having it to another not having it, 
Wisdom is of the soul, is not susceptible of proof, is its own proof, 
Applies to all stages and objects and qualities and is content, 

Resultado de imagen para song of the open road by walt whitman

These line explain that the knowledge you have in the school or in another place don't said that you are the smartest or the best in the school, if you got a 10 in all the exams don't said that you will have a great job or a bad job.The wisdom is that you have and it dont matter if you are smart or not, you can have that from your family or because you are good at something.

Resultado de imagen para song of the open road by walt whitman

Resultado de imagen para civil war era

Resultado de imagen para civil war era

2- Of plymouth plantation by william bradford

Now is the 19th century, my name is max and I am an English colonist, now I live in playmouth city,We, my family and I are puritans and we believe that religion is the most important thing in humans life.My family and I will go to live in north America because life in playmouth is hard, it is hard to fight against religion conflicts.

Resultado de imagen para plymouth plantation

People said that life in north America is better, because there are many factories, the boss pay more than in playmouth and other English  cities.It is hard to leave playmouth, I grew here and I will miss my parents, my coworkers and my friends.I have to leave because I am puritan and cristians are looking for me because the religion problems.

Resultado de imagen para plymouth plantation

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016

3- American Literature and History early America

American revolution 
The American Revolution was a political upheaval that took place between 1765 and 1783 during which colonists in the thirteen american colonies rejected the British monarchy

as in the boston tea partyin 1773, during which patriots destroyed a consignment of taxed tea from the Parliament-controlled and favored

The royal proclamation of 1963 may have played a role in the separation of the United States from Great Britain, as colonists at the time wanted to continue in the economically beneficial cultural practice

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Road to independence 

Defective administration:  The Administrative System of England in the American Colonies was defective. Each Colony had its Assembly and the elected members.

Restrictions of colonial tradeThe British Government regulated the colonial trade for her own advantage. The trade policy of England was the colonies were.

Seven years warThe Seven Years War which was started in 1756 and ended in 1763 had an impact on the American Colonies. By defeating France, England occupied Canada. 

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5- The declaration of independence by Thomas Jefferson  -  Task 2

The colonies have suffered 27 at the hands of the King George III. Each of these abuses has been directed at the colonies for the purpose of establishing a tyrannical government in North America. Jefferson claims that the colonists have patiently suffered these abuses and that it is now time to expose these abuses to the nations of the world.the King and Parliament responded by further suppressing the rights of colonists. Resultado de imagen para king george iiiLegislation in 1774 referred to by colonists as the "Intolerable Acts" struck especially hard at the civil rights of the colony of Massachusetts.the Declaration aims to evoke support from moderates within the colonies by revealing that the British civilization in which they took pride was no more than a cruel and tyrannical monarchy.
Resultado de imagen para king george iii
4- The declaration of independence by Thomas Jefferson 

-The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Second Continental Congress, states the reasons the British colonies of North America sought independence in July of 1776.

-The colonists considered it to be clear to everyone that all men are created equal and that God has given them certain basic rights that can not be taken away.

-These basic rights include life, liberty and the right to do whatever makes them happy.

-Governments are built for the sole purpose of protecting these basic rights. 

-In the case of the colonies, they have put up with years of abuse and misuse of power
 Resultado de imagen para declaration of independence by thomas jefferson

-All men are created equal and there are certain unalienable rights that governments should never violate. 

-Acting with Parliament, the King also instituted legislation that affected the colonies without their consent.

-The colonial governments tried to reach a peaceful reconciliation of these differences with Great Britain.

Resultado de imagen para declaration of independence by thomas jefferson